To focus your search, think about the following question:
How much education, training, and experience do I need to do the job?
Each O*NET career is in one of five job zones, which are groups of careers that need the same level of experience, education, and training.
Different careers need different amounts of preparation. Select a Job Zone. Using your Job Zone and your interests, the Interest Profiler will help you identify and explore careers that might be right for you.
INterest Profiler
The O*NET Interest Profiler can help you find out what your interests are and how they relate to the world of work. You can find out what you like to do.With 60 questions about work activities that some people do on their jobs, the O*NET Interest Profiler helps you decide what kind of careers you might want to explore.
Read each question carefully and decide how you would feel about doing each type of work.
There are no right or wrong answers! Please take your time answering the questions. There is no need to rush.
Think of your interests as work you like to do.
Your interests can help you find careers you might like to explore. The more a career meets your interests, the more likely it will be satisfying and rewarding to you.
You can read about each interest below and see how you match. When you're ready, click Next to continue.